We are happy to present the full range of our services in a personal consultation, providing you with a detailed discussion of the treatment best suited to your particular needs. We also make sure to present alternative options wherever available.
We would like to take this opportunity to introduce our areas of specialization, as certified by the State Board of Dentistry (Landeszahnärztekammer Hessen): endodontics, implantology and periodontology.
Teeth whose nerves have become inflamed or even atrophied can usually be preserved by means of root canal treatment.
We make use of state-of-the-art methods, materials and tools in order to maximize the operation’s chances of success.
Lost or extracted teeth can be replaced by titanium implants, which are inserted into the bone. Crowns, bridges or removable dentures can then be attached to these artificial roots. These implants are as durable as natural teeth.
Among the most frequent causes of tooth loss are periodontal diseases, i.e. inflammations of the supporting structures and tissues surrounding the teeth.
Periodontitis is caused by bacteria which adhere to the surfaces of teeth and the adjoining gum tissue, a process exacerbated by insufficient oral hygiene. These infections develop only gradually, allowing their initial stages to escape detection and pass unnoticed by many patients. Besides a lack of proper oral hygiene, smoking and an unhealthy diet, as well as genetic factors, may increase susceptibility to periodontitis.
Our particularly gentle method of treatment will restore healthy gums and help you keep your periodontium free of infection.
The following services complete our wide range of treatments:
Cosmetic Dentistry
Healthy, well cared for and beautiful teeth are essential to your well-being! We can help you achieve and maintain a radiant smile. Our services include:
- ceramic inlay/onlay restoration (empress inlays, zirconium crowns)
- dental veneers
- composite resin fillings (natural tooth colours)
- dental bleaching
- cosmetic gum surgery
- Invisalign treatments (minor straightening with removable aligners)
Prosthetic Dentistry (Dentures)
- fixed prostheses attached to teeth or implants
- removable dentures on invisible holders
- total prostheses (full dentures)
Preventive Dentistry and Prophylaxis
We offer individually tailored measures to ensure the health of your teeth and gums, preventing gingivitis and periodontitis. Regular professional cleaning also helps prevent tooth decay as well as preserving a beautiful smile.
These services are provided by our specially trained dental hygienists.
Temporomandibular Joint Disorder
If you suffer from frequent headaches or tinnitus-like symptoms, you may not be aware that such complaints are often related to disorders of the temporomandibular joint (the joint of the jaw) and its nerves and muscles. (This is usually referred to as craniomandibular dysfunction in Germany.) Treatment can provide relief from these problems.
Other Services
- mouthguards for the treatment of snoring and sleep apnea
- mouthguards for athletes